
Connecting you with the best of cinema.

To attain a complete film experience, perfecting the film is as important as creating it. Which is why Reliance MediaWorks, one of the world’s premier names in digital cinema mastering and distribution, set up South Asia’s first dedicated CDI-grade digital cinema mastering facility, benchmarking itself with Hollywood-grade operations. We also own Asia’s first fiber optic distribution network that encompasses global distribution of DCP (digital cinema packages- including features, trailers, commercials and more) in both physical (hard drive) and electronic formats. Here’s what sets our services apart:

Mastering :-

Mastering: Smooth Finishing. Smooth Viewing.

  • Our mastering facility services Hindi, regional Indian and Hollywood films, along with selected international projects
  • Our technology handles both 2K and 4K DCI-grade digital cinema mastering (for 2D and stereoscopic 3D) offering HQ outputs in lightning fast turn-around time.
  • All outputs are developed in close collaboration with producers, distributors and associated creatives to ensure the vision of the film is encoded and plays back accurately.
  • To preserve the films’ quality, we possess a dedicated digital QC (Quality Control) screening theatre with 24/7 access and stereoscopic 3D capability for Digital Cinema Package checks.
  • KDMs (Key Delivery Messages) are separately handled from a KDM secure room that runs on a continuously updated database of all digital cinemas screens globally that play its films. Along with a 24/7 rapid response team for KDMs and emergency issues.
  • We also provide advisory and on-site service for special digital cinemas screenings, events and projects.

For further information please contact:

Hari Prasath
Chief Manager - Mastering
Reliance MediaWorks ltd
Film City complex,
Goregaon (East)
Mumbai 400065
Email: [email protected]